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Prayer for Peace
Eternal God-
in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and forever. Amen.
​From Fr. Chris Ballard:
We pray for all places in your creation where people are living with the extreme violence of combat and terrorism. We pray for Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, Yemen, and all places where children live without the security of knowing that there will be another day and live whilst being denied the security of peace. We pray for the decision makers who chose violence over peace, that they look for a way forward beyond the need for revenge and retaliation to that undiscovered country where children can live without fear and prejudice. Amen
From Eloise Thomas:
We pray to end child marriages and gender based violence.
Oh, Creator who made your children to be images of you, the lover of peace and concord, help us to find that part of us you gave to humanity that it should respect the dignity and honor for each other by leading us in your Son's path. We ask that you clear away the mist that hides the importance of ending our violence against each other especially your daughters so that we might come to that heavenly country who all are valued, all are loved, and all live as you would have us live in love and peace. Amen
​From Fr. Chris Ballard:
We pray for all effected by gun violence especially in Perry, Iowa, USA and in Prague, Czech Republic. Send your angels and give them charge of the violent hearts that perpetrate the crime of murder to support their misbegotten and terrible conviction that murdering innocent children is acceptable as an outcome of their hatred. In the name of the God who created us all. Amen
Prayers for those whose lives are closely linked to ours:
Almighty God- We give you thanks for the lives of those we love so much and who are important to our own lives. We are grateful to you for their witness of love and for loving us. In the name of Jesus, lift our hearts and pray for:
Prayers for the Sick and Suffering
God of all mercies and source of all health- we ask you to comfort the all who are in need of your healing presence, guiding light, and constant love. We ask you Lord Christ to watch over them and to be with them during this difficult time when the body is diminished by illness and the mind is frightened by uncertainty. We, also, ask you to be with their families, caregivers and with all who love them. Calm their worries, O God, and give them strength to stand in authenticity of spirit so that they might reflect your loving-kindness in the world. Amen
From Linda Maclean-
Prayers of gratitude for the continued health of Juliette Kahn and for the prayers that have sustained her during this very difficult health crisis.
We also pray again to you, o God, for their caregivers - for those who work tirelessly to make lives better and who gives up so much of their lives to help others. Bless those workers whether family, friend, or stranger as they make the lives of others not only tolerable, but also livable. Amen
Prayers for those Who Died
Oh gracious Jesus-who rose from the dead after first suffering on the cross, we pray for the repose of the souls of those in our lives who live with you, but we can no longer see. We especially pray for those who mourn and grieve for their deceased loved ones. Comfort them in this time of grief so that they may find consolation in their faith and with you. We ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
From Liz LeSuer:
We pray for repose of the soul of George Stratos and for the strength of the Spirit to be upon those who grieve for him especially his wife Jeanne and all who cared for him in hospice. Amen
Prayers of Gratitude and Thanksgiving
ALMIGHTY God who is the source of all love and mercy, we your willing servants do give you humble and heart-felt thanks for all your goodness and kindness to us and to all people. We thank you for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all for your incalculable love because you redeemed the world by Jesus Christ, for showing us the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we ask you, give us an appreciation of your mercy and kindness, that our hearts may be given courage to be thankful, and that we show your praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives; by giving up ourselves to your service, and by walking before you in holiness and righteousness all our living days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen.
For whom and what we pray:
From Eloise Thomas:
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve people near and far. I ask for grace as I continue to work in serving others for the glory of God. I am grateful for Gammy’s Pantry for serving our community. I am in thanksgiving for morning and daily prayers. I am grateful for the various gatherings to pray together.
From the Trinity-St. John's Community:
Prayers of gratitude for the successful surgery of Caroline Leger. All's well! Thanks be to God!
From Marilyn Massaley:
My family and friends and humanity as a whole.
From Pauline Francis:
Thanking God for all his Mercies.